About Us

In this era of complexity besieged with social discomfort and spiritual malaise, Transform Myself Inc. is dedicated to supporting and guiding those who aspire to recapture awareness of their potential to find purpose and to lift the human spirit.

Meet the Facilitators

  • Reverend Rich discovered the Unity Movement over 25 years ago in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho where he attended the local church that was lead at the time by Reverend Marilyn Muehlbach. He found himself feeling very “at home” in Unity and quickly became a Truth student. He found himself teaching prosperity classes and became a member of the Board of Directors. During his time as treasurer on the Board, the church initiated a building fund campaign and built a new building on property owned by the Church.

    After completing the Unity Personal Development Program, he became a Chaplain at Unity Temple on the Plaza in Kansas City and then attended Unity School of Religious Studies, graduated, and was ordained in 2004. After ordination, he moved to Phoenix, Arizona and pioneered a ministry in Central Phoenix. In 2008, he moved to Seattle and became the Associate Minister of Adult Education at Seattle Unity. Rev. Rich has served on various ministry teams, taught multiple classes and is preparing to teach a class on Grief and Bereavement for the Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute. He has been a Registered Nurse for 44 years and has been involved in hospices nationwide for the last 25 years.

  • Emily is a Grief Transformation Expert and holds a Master’s Degree in English with a Concentration in Writing. She has been teaching writing and composition on the college and university level over 30 years. During that time, she published three writing textbooks. with Prentice Hall and Pearson Education.

    She participated with the Bereaved Person’s Association in Bakersfield, California, which her husband co-founded. She also assisted her husband Jacques Thiroux, a bio-ethicist, with multiple revisions of his popular text Ethics Theory and Practice published by Prentice Hall and Pearson Education. She presents Writing Through Grief workshops.

  • Paula Schneider graduated with a nursing degree from the University of Texas in 1976 and later received a master’s degree in public health from the University of Texas in the early 1990’s. Ultimately, she worked as a Registered Nurse for 40 years, and her career included various nursing positions in Public Health and Hospice. She loves to write, has published a book, and wrote over 200 articles on death, dying, and spirituality that were published in Carson City’s (NV) newspaper, Nevada Appeal. She later conducted over 25 Discussions on Death and Dying in Nevada and California.

    Paula currently spends her days studying metaphysics, specifically metaphysical Bible interpretation, practicing Fourth Way psychology, doing Zentangle (a meditative art form), sewing, and gardening. Her true passion is studying and discussing noble truths and ideas with her Unity minister husband, Larry. Together they read, discuss, teach, and lead classes, take classes via Zoom, and continue their decades-long spiritual journey through this life.

  • Visit Barbara's Website

    Barbara Karnes, RN Award Winning End of Life Educator, Award Winning Nurse, NHPCO Hospice Innovator Award Winner 2018; 2015 International Humanitarian Woman of the Year

    While at the bedside of hundreds of people during the dying process, Hospice Pioneer Barbara Karnes noticed that each death was following a near identical script. Each person was going through the stages of death in almost the same manner and most families came to her with similar questions. These realizations led Barbara to sit down and write Gone From My Sight, The Little Blue Book that changed the hospice industry.

    Gone From My Sight is the original, and remains the most widely used, patient/family educational booklet on the signs of approaching death. It has been in print continuously since 1985 and has sold over 35 million copies worldwide. With its publication and distribution, Barbara created one of the most important tools in the end-of-life movement today.

  • Kathleen Flynn is an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist certified by the Grief Recovery Institute of Bend OR. Kathleen is the Chaplain for Del Corazon Hospice in Santa Fe, NM. She has worked in the field of death, dying and bereavement for 20 years. In November 2022 she released her book, Essential Grief, Getting Real About the Consequences of Buried Grief.

    She completed her master’s degree in theological studies, attended seminary and was ordained as an Interfaith Minister and later a Unity Minister. Kathleen’s service in ministry spans many years serving 3 northwest Unity communities and Unity Santa Fe NM.

    She was born and lived in Alaska until she moved to the Pacific Northwest in 2001. She has two adult children and several grandchildren who live in New York and Alaska.

Please click each name to learn more about that facilitator.

Who We Are

Transform Myself Inc., A Unity Ministry, was founded by Reverend Richard Carlini in 2017 with the vision of providing Unity Principles to anyone by whatever means, anywhere. During a meeting that same year, he met Paula Schneider, RN MSN, who shared his profession of end-of-life care. They combined their experience and, through experimentation with the format, now share dialogues on Death & Dying virtually with others from around the country and the world.

Sharing Unity Principles has continued to be at the front of Transform Myself's mission. Over the last five years, various virtual classes with experienced facilitators have been available nationally. Topics of classes include The Art of Metanoia, How to Pray with Others, White Fragility, and journaling workshops.

Dialogue on Death & Dying is a virtual discussion of end-of-life topics with subject matter experts, including Barbara Karnes, Kathleen Flynn, Emily Thiroux-Threatt, Paula Schneider, and Richard Carlini. The dialogues occur monthly, and resources on end-of-life topics are available.

The revenue we receive thanks to class participants and spiritually prosperous donors, Transform Myself Inc., compensates our class facilitators and marketing our programs.

Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and offers practical tools and resources to people of all faiths. We help them stay positive and apply universal principles in their daily lives.

Learn more at unity.org

What is Unity?